Master of Business Administration
Business administration is a flexible area of study, affording students expertise in a variety of business fields via business elective courses or a minor in another study area. The programs prepare the student for positions in middle- and upper-level management where knowledge of many fields is a necessity for advancement. The varied background offered by the business administration program is also helpful to students who wish to begin their own businesses. From a “Mom and Pop” grocery store to a multi-national corporation, students with an emphasis in business administration from Murray State will be prepared for whatever their future holds.
The Arthur J. Bauernfeind Graduate Program in Business at Murray State University has a long and rigorous tradition of excellence in management education, and a recognized capacity for meeting the educational needs and challenges of MBA students in the 21st Century.
Our specific comparative advantages and points of pride are the following:
AACSB Accreditation: The world has over 16,000 business programs. Yet less than 5% of these are accredited by AACSB-International: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Murray State University is one of the 5% group of premier schools that are accredited by AACSB-International.
Find out why AACSB accreditation matters.
Quality at relatively Low Cost: While the quality of Murray State University’s MBA Program is well documented, many people may not know that we have one of the most efficient cost-to-quality MBA ratios in the country. Our on-campus tuition is competitively reasonable, as evident from the tuition link given on this MBA website. Tuition for our 100% online MBA is one of the lowest in the nation. Everyone (whether Kentucky resident or not) pays the same tuition on our 100% online, AACSB-Accredited MBA.
Your Careers: Our MBA students do find Jobs. We recognize that for our students, the MBA degree is not an end in itself, but rather a means towards employment and promotion at the local, regional, national, or international levels. While we are honest enough to admit that not 100% of our MBA graduates get jobs within 3 months of graduation (the global economy is simply such as it is), many of our graduates do get gainfully employed, eventually, in a multitude of fields and specializations, at home and abroad. Earning an MBA does pay off exponentially for your career, as recent research reported by the Financial Times and by CNBC.
Non-Business Majors: For those whose undergraduate degree is NOT in Business—but rather in such non-business areas as agriculture, education, engineering, chemistry, biology, occupational safety and health, geography, physics, and mathematics, to name a few—please do not worry. We offer the foundation courses 100% online, except for Calculus. See the MBA curriculum link on this website for more details.
Quality MBA Faculty: The same faculty teach on our regular and 100% online MBA Programs. All have PhDs from such prestigious and diverse traditional (not online) Universities as University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and University of Edinburgh in Scotland, United Kingdom. They conduct basic/discovery scholarship, applied or integration/application scholarship, and teaching/learning scholarship in top-tier peer reviewed journals in the USA and foreign countries, in keeping with our global footprints framework and emphasis.
Access and Flexibility: MBA Classes are offered to fit your schedule. Classes are taught at night, during the day, as well as 100% online. Yes, you can complete our MBA 100% online even if, for instance, you are on active military duty, stationed in Germany or South Korea.
- Accounting
- Business Analytics*
- Cyber Security*
- Economic Development*
- Finance*
- Global Communications*
- Healthcare Administration*
- Marketing*